Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
What is LASIK surgery?
LASIK surgery is a surgical procedure that corrects a wide range of vision problems such as nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism. The procedure involves reshaping the cornea - in line with your specific eye condition - that will allow it to better focus the images onto the retina, enabling you to see clearly with an enhanced vision.
Can I have both eyes done at the same time?
Most ophthalmologists perform LASIK on both eyes at the same visit.
How long does LASIK take?
Although laser eye surgery may slightly vary depending on the patient’s eye prescription and the amount of vision correction required, it usually takes around 10 to 15 minutes per eye.
How do I know if I'm suitable for LASIK?
Your ophthalmologist will be able determine your suitability for laser vision correction during your consultation session, but here are some general guidelines:
You must have up to;
Will I need to wear glasses after my eyes heal?
Many patients once healed, resume their daily activities without wearing their glasses. However, patients over the age of 40 may still need to wear reading glasses due to “presbyopia”; an age-related eyesight condition that can occur after a certain age even if the patient has undergone a LASIK procedure.
How much does LASIK cost?
Depending on each patient's specific condition(s), the prices may vary. The final quotes are generally established during the patient's initial consultation session.
Does Lasik hurt?
Patients are administered topical anesthetic eye drops to numb their eyes, so they will not be experiencing any pain during the procedure. Only some mild discomfort can be felt
What is bladeless or all-laser LASIK?
In Bladeless LASIK, the microkeratome blade used to create the thin corneal flap prior to reshaping the cornea, is replaced with a femtosecond laser that uses infrared laser energy. It is considered as an updated version of the traditional Lasik procedure.
What type of anesthetic is used for LASIK eye surgery?
Topical anesthetic eye drops are used to numb the patient's eye. As an option, patients may also be given oral sedatives to help them feel more relaxed during the procedure.
What kind of results can I expect after a LASIK procedure?
Most of our patients who have undergone LASIK refractive surgery reported that they no longer needed to use glasses or wear contact lenses for most of their daily activities. Approximately over 96% of patients with low to moderate myopia achieve 20/20 vision or better after the initial laser procedure, which is the visual acuity similar to that with contact lenses.
When Will I See Results from LASIK Eye Surgery?
Right after your LASIK eye surgery, you should start seeing things from a distance that wasn’t possible to see before. Initially, you can expect your eyesight to be hazy but your vision should normalize as it continues to heal and also improve within the first few days following the procedure. Your eyes may feel a mild stinging and/or be sensitive to light after the procedure, but this is a normal condition that we see with most of our patients.
After their eye procedures, some of our patients explained that their vision was like they were looking under the water. We recommend our patients to go home and rest their eyes for a few hours. Within 5 to 6 hours, they will be feeling relatively comfortable with their eyesight.
Are the results achieved from LASIK permanent?
The effects of the LASIK procedure are generally permanent. However, the patient should be informed that the internal structure of their eye can still experience minor changes within time; especially due to aging. For this reason, patients are recommended to have their procedure done after their eye prescription has been stabilized for at least a year before undergoing a Lasik surgery. LASIK eye surgery is not recommended on children because their eyes will likely continue to change as they grow older and their vision would need to be corrected again. If a patient undergoes Laser eye surgery after the age of 18, the possibility of long-term stable correction will be more likely.
When can I return back to work after having LASIK?
It depends on your occupation. Certain professions such as dentistry or surgical specialties that demand good eyesight may be challenging to perform for up to 2 or 3 days following the surgery. However, most of our patients generally return back to work the next day.
Can I drive immediately after having LASIK?
Patients may feel some discomfort and/or experience blurred vision for a few hours following their laser eye surgery. Additionally, some patients are administered mild sedation before their procedure, which will gradually wear off within 1 to 2 hours. Therefore, it's not recommended to drive for at least 24 hours after you have undergone the LASIK procedure.
After the procedure, how long will it take to achieve my best vision?
Fast visual recovery characterizes this operation. Most of our patients achieve good vision within a day following their refractive surgery. However, vision can continue to improve and best vision can still take two to three months to occur, particularly with higher prescriptions.
If my eyesight is corrected for distance, will I lose my ability to see up-close?
You can expect clear overall vision after you have undergone LASIK for correcting distance vision. However, if you’re over 40, certain images or written texts close to you may not appear as clear after having LASIK refractive surgery. Patients in their 40s or 50s may need reading glasses for up-close work.
Are There Any Side Effects or Risks of LASIK Eye Surgery?
Although complications are rare, as with any surgery there are some side effects patients may experience after LASIK eye surgery. It is important to keep in mind that it may take a few weeks before patients see the full results. Here are some of the side effects that can be experienced;